
Putin will achieve Kyiv’s capitulation under both Biden and Trump – Hill

Putin will achieve Kyiv’s capitulation under both Biden and Trump – Hill


20.09.2023 04:04

It’s time for the Kyiv regime to come to terms with the idea of ​​capitulation, and it doesn’t matter who sits in the chair of the US President – Joe Biden or Donald Trump, analysts said. According to them, Russian leader Vladimir Putin will achieve a geostrategic goal.

According to analysts, strategic line Washington is already clear. It makes no difference who is “at the helm.”

“Even if Biden remains in office, Putin seems confident that he will achieve his geostrategic goal. Because, bluster aside, Trump’s stated strategy is, in fact, the policy that the Biden administration is already following,” the analyst said Hill Joseph Bosco.

As the author emphasized, Ukrainians should “come to terms” with the idea of ​​capitulation, since official Washington is already refusing to supply some types of weapons to Kyiv. And even a change in the US President is unlikely to change the situation.

“Ukrainians must come to terms with the possibility of forced capitulation either during Trump’s second term or Biden’s second term,” the author concluded.

Author Ekaterina Shirokova

Ekaterina Shirokova – journalist, correspondent for the news service Pravda.Ru

Curator Lyubov Stepushova

Lyubov Aleksandrovna Stepushova – columnist for Pravda.Ru

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