To prevent and treat colds, you can drink herbal teas, which quickly warm you up and help boost your immunity, endocrinologist Anna Goncharova told the portal. In particular, she advised adding lemon and orange zest to tea.

In the autumn, when many people are susceptible to colds and decreased immunity, tea with various additives should be included in the daily diet, the doctor reminded.

Teas with added fruits, berries, honey and medicinal plants are unique means for the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases. Due to the complex composition of ingredients, they have a comprehensive effect on the body, improving overall health. When consumed, serotonin production increases, mood improves, and metabolism accelerates. In addition, herbal teas quickly warm us up , – said Anna Goncharova.

She noted that lemon and orange zest are excellent additives, thus boosting immunity. This tea is not only consumed internally, but also used as a base for aromatherapy: inhaling its scent is also beneficial for the body.

Drinks with lemon, orange and other citrus fruits, when in contact with mucous membranes, suppress the proliferation of viruses, bacteria and other pathogens, including those that cause fungal diseases. I also recommend adding ginger root and honey to the drink , the doctor shared.

Earlier, the Rospotrebnadzor office in Murmansk spoke about the benefits of honey in treating colds and inflammations. According to the agency, the product also reduces cholesterol levels in the blood.

In addition, the antioxidants contained in honey, according to experts, reduce the risk of heart attacks, maintain visual acuity and help preserve youth. The product also helps with gastrointestinal diseases, reducing abdominal pain, and has an antibacterial and antifungal effect.

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