
Last minute of Pablo Hermoso, Diego Urdiales and Juan Ortega from Plaza de Vista Alegre today

Last minute of Pablo Hermoso, Diego Urdiales and Juan Ortega from Plaza de Vista Alegre today

Follow live the bullfight that took place in the Vista Alegre bullring in Bilbao, with the last hour of Pablo Hermoso, Diego Urdiales and Juan Ortega today.

7:34 p.m.

Ear to Juan Ortega

Juan Ortega's ear is requested for the third party task that the president grants him.

7:32 p.m.

Artistic Outbreaks of Juan Ortega

The bull is tamed in front of the picador and is left to the first stages of the muleta task, which breathes bullfighting. A windlass to open a series through the right pin, which allows more adjustment and tempering.

Music plays. Continue along this peak with superb crutches. On the left side, he strikes a blow that fortunately does not reach him. Returns to the right and three plenary sessions of art, such as the genuflection and the two turnstiles to close. Task with artistic outbursts that ends with a surge and madness.

7:18 p.m.

Ortega lights up the power lines

Two and a half veronicas are enough for Juan Lrtega to light up the atmosphere of the Vista Alegre lines. The best concept of the Sevillian against Zarandillo, from La Ventana del Puerto and 591 kilos.

7:13 p.m.

Good right hand from Urdiales on the second try

7:11 p.m.

Chased from Valdefresno

The one from Valdefresno plays on rods and stops on banderillas but with noble attacks, something that Urdiales appreciates, who is going to be offered to the public. He tests it with the two pitons and makes it known to the media. Go to the right and, one by one, muletazos emerge with deep flavors, appreciated by the fans.

The bull, for lack of caste, threatens to flee and the bullfighter even targets the isolated natives who remain there, in free sparks. Effective sting and thrust, and something else.

6:50 p.m.

The second sorting comes out

The second hat belongs to the Valdefresno cattle ranch, from the same place as the Puerto de San Lorenzo. The start of the second tris is delayed, causing confusion among the bullfighters.

Pelotero, a serious five-year-old bull, finally enters the ring

6:40 p.m.

The hat also breaks down in the ring

The hat breaks his hand when Urdiales puts it on as a cape. Green handkerchief and the bull in the corrals.

6:37 p.m.

The first one disabled

The first bull lost its coordination in a strange movement when ending up in front of a burladero and was stabbed in the ring. In its place, the hat of Puerto de San Lorenzo, named Cartuchero, will enter the arena, the same name as the one registered for fourth place, which will also be fought by Urdiales.

6:34 p.m.

Urdiales, forced to salute

They recognize Diego Urdiales for all the good things he has given to this fan and with a standing ovation they force him to salute from the third. The Riojan, who arrives with a broken rib after his accident in Azpeitia, has been absent in this position due to recruitment problems.

6:27 p.m.

Clean Beautiful with the first

Hermoso fails the first penalty and corrects the error by tempering Esmeraldo's attack, which gallops with a good sound. He raises morale in banderillas, always carrying the very tight one of San Pelayo to the excessively blunt one. With another nailing error, he is replaced by another flag of merit. He shines with the courts. He bursts before a fatal blow and two blunders that put an end to a careful work.

6:15 p.m.

Aurresku to Pablo Hermoso

6:10 p.m.

Honorary medal for Hermoso de Mendoza

As happened yesterday before Enrique Ponce's farewell, before starting the parade, Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza received the honorary aurresku, the ceremony in which tribute is paid to the gentleman who today says goodbye to this hobby.

6:07 p.m.

Walking between rain and wind

It starts to rain again in Bilbao, water accompanied by strong gusts of wind, a climate that changes the face of the bullfighters at the moment when the bugles and kettledrums sound and the peseillo begins.

Pablo Hermoso, leading the procession, in black with silver decorations; Diego Urdiales, in black and gold; and Juan Ortega, in cream and gold.

5:40 p.m.

Concern about rain

The overcast sky that covers Bilbao, the rain that falls and the forecast of water raises concerns about the state of the arena twenty minutes before the start of the celebration.

5:38 p.m.

The bulls for this afternoon

The order of fights for this afternoon is as follows:

First bull, from San Pelayo, Esmerado, black, weighing 534 kilos, for Hermoso de Mendoza.

Second, from La Ventana del Puerto, Margaritino, black ribbon of 534 kilos, for Diego Urdiales.

Third, from La Ventana del Puerto, Zarandillo, black, weighing 591 kilos, for José Ortega.

Fourth, from San Pelayo, Bondadoso, a black mulatto weighing 576 kilos, for Hermoso de Mendoza.

Quinto, from the port of San Lorenzo, Cartuchero, black, 591 kilos, for Urdiales.

Sixth, from La Ventana del Puerto, Naütico, black, weighing 545 kilos, for Ortega.

The hats belong to the San Pelayo and Puerto de San Lorenzo farms.

5:29 p.m.

Today, farewell to Bilbao for Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza

The afternoon brings nostalgic feelings again on the day that the farewell to Bilbao of Mr. Pablo Hermoso from Mendoza is announced. The Navarrese has had unforgettable successes in a place that has not missed any of its fairs in August. The rejoneador is accompanied by Diego Urdiales, who knows what it means to win big at Vista Alegre, and Juan Ortega from Seville in his presentation to the fans of Bilbao. Hermoso will fight two bulls from San Pelayo and, in the regular bullfights, bulls from Puerto de San Lorenzo and Ventana del Puerto will compete.

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