On September 29, everyone who wants to competently manage their finances, save and increase them correctly, will be able to watch a free five-hour broadcast of the Money 2023 online conference. The event is held
Tinkoff Magazine is one of the main financial media in Russia.
The speakers will be leading business leaders from Tinkoff and Tinkoff Magazine, as well as invited experts from various fields: law, medicine, real estate and others.
This is the first time an online conference of this scale has been held.
In addition to the reports, there will be master classes and interactive sessions on topics from various industries. Thus, participants in the online conference will be able to learn how and in what currencies it is best to store money in 2023, how to manage finances as competently as possible, how to avoid becoming a victim of scammers, and how to correctly buy, sell and inherit real estate. Experts in the field of medicine will talk about all the nuances of compulsory health insurance (CHI): how to get all the services and cash payments that you are entitled to. Tax specialists will explain who is entitled to what benefits from the state, how to apply for a tax deduction, and what has changed in state support in 2023. And experts from the NGO sector will tell you why charity is fashionable, who should be helped and why, and what amounts to spend on it.
Lectures will begin at 11:00 Moscow time and end at 16:00. You can listen to them in full or choose the most interesting ones for yourself. Viewers will also be able to participate in discussions and get answers to their questions. For this purpose, a chat will be launched on the conference website.
To watch the broadcast, you need to register on the conference website. This can be done now, the number of participants is limited. After submitting your application, you will receive a confirmation and a link to the broadcast by email.
– Tinkoff Magazine is one of the main financial media in Russia, which has been openly talking about money for 8 years. Our task is to help people live better lives. First of all, in those issues that relate to money, but also everyday life. Usually people talk about money at business conferences. We decided to launch an online conference throughout Russia. Anyone can tune into the broadcast for free and listen to reports from experts on how to manage finances, what payments they are entitled to, where it is better to save and where to invest, – explains editor-in-chief of Tinkoff Magazine Nikita Yukovich.