Singer Kristina Orbakaite refused to go on stage with Avraam Russo, who supported SVO, to sing their joint hits at a corporate party in Dubai, the SHOT Telegram channel reports. According to it, the artists were invited to perform a duet, but Alla Pugacheva’s daughter broke the agreement at the last moment.

It turned out that Kristina’s concert director had not agreed with her on a joint performance. The singer ended up performing duet hits alone and left with a fee of €50,000 (approximately 5 million rubles).

Avraam Russo himself admitted to the channel that he had not communicated with Orbakaite for two years. He added that he even knew what his colleague had been doing all this time.

Earlier, Kristina Orbakaite said in an interview that the US compares favorably with other countries in that it is a free country, whose residents can afford to “have their own opinion.” Orbakaite called Russia a place where “times are always difficult .” According to her, in her homeland there are always “defaults and some problems.”

In turn, producer Pavel Rudchenko said that Russians who emigrated to the United States will not often attend Kristina Orbakaite’s concerts . The expert emphasized that the performer’s program is unlikely to change much, even if she releases new songs. In his opinion, the artist fell into a “certain hole” that artists also encountered during the Soviet emigration.

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