They won’t bloom again: 3 mistakes in caring for peonies in September
27.08.2024 18:28
With the arrival of autumn, it is important to continue to care for peonies so that they will delight you with their blooms next year. Here are some common mistakes that can harm these beautiful plants.
Photo: by Poupou l’quourouce, CC BY-SA 3.0
Mistake 1: Stopping care after flowering
Many gardeners mistakenly believe that peonies do not need care after flowering. In fact, during this period it is important to trim only the flower stalk or seed box to the first leaf, so that the plant does not waste energy on seed ripening, but directs resources to strengthening the roots.
Mistake 2: Cutting off the stems completely
It is impossible to cut the stems to the root immediately after flowering, since at this time the peonies are forming renewal buds. It is recommended to do pruning in late autumn, when the stems begin to lie down, leaving stumps 10-15 cm high.
Mistake 3: Incorrect preparation for winter
Leaving peonies to overwinter without pruning is also undesirable – rotten stems can become a source of infection. Proper autumn pruning helps peonies prepare for frosts and overwinter well.
Peony (Latin: Paeonia) is a genus of herbaceous perennials and deciduous shrubs (tree peonies). The only genus of the Peony family (Paeoniaceae), previously the genus was classified as a member of the Ranunculaceae family. Peonies bloom in late spring and are valued by gardeners for their lush foliage, showy flowers, and ornamental fruits (in some species).