
The management company’s revenue from trust management increased by 24% in the first half of the year

The market leaders in terms of growth rates were companies whose business is largely privately owned. The largest revenues were received by UK Pervaya (6.24 billion rubles, 34.6% more than a year earlier), Alfa Capital (6.21 billion rubles, +43.2%),Raiffeisen Capital» (2.59 billion rubles, +43.4%). Over 122 billion rubles were invested in retail funds (OPIF and BPIF) in the first half of the year, of which 48.3 billion were received by the funds of the Pervaya Management Company, 27.7 billion rubles by the Alfa-Capital Management Company. “The main growth in revenue came from open-end mutual investment funds, the volume of client assets in which almost doubled over the year,” said Vladimir Serdyukov, CEO of PSB Management Company.

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