
the number of cases of tularemia has increased in Karelia

Vaccination will help: the number of cases of tularemia has increased in Karelia

Head of the Ministry of Health of Karelia Mikhail Okhlopkov drew attention to the increasing number of cases of tularemia in the region and proposed a solution in the form of vaccination to prevent this serious infection.

Tularemia is an infectious disease transmitted in a variety of ways, including the bites of infected blood-sucking insects, contact with sick animals and their carcasses, and through food and water contaminated with the causative agent of the disease.

The risk of infection is high in several regions of Karelia, as well as in the city of Petrozavodsk. Places where the likelihood of infection is increased include Sortavala, Kem, Kondopoga, Lakhdenpokhsky, Olonetsky, Pitkyaranta, Prionezhsky, Pryazhinsky, Pudozhsky, Segezha and Suoyarvsky districts, reports

The tularemia vaccine is available in medical institutions in the region and is recommended for certain categories of the population. This list includes people engaged in agriculture, construction, drainage, excavation and movement of soil, procurement and fishing work, geological and survey work, as well as logging, clearing and landscaping of forests, health and recreation areas.

Okhlopkov emphasizes the importance of vaccination for protection against tularemia and draws attention to its availability in medical institutions in the region.

Author Oleg Loginov

Oleg Loginov – student at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, freelance correspondent for Pravda.Ru

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Engaged in the prevention, observation, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of all internal organs of patients, including chickenpox, colds, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, scarlet fever, measles, rubella, bronchitis, food poisoning, etc.

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