
Viktor Orbán is in correspondence with himself

In a video posted on his social media page on Monday, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán encouraged the completion of the national consultation, stressing: “we don’t want to dance as they whistle in Brussels”.

The prime minister – who, according to the video, filled out the questionnaire himself – said: in the coming months, the postman will deliver the consultation sheets on “protecting our sovereignty” to all families.

He assessed that it was time to ask people’s opinions, because in the coming months, until the EU elections, “serious debates await us in Brussels.”

“It’s an old note, the bureaucrats in Brussels want to tell us how to live again: they want to give Ukraine more money and new weapons, they want us to have utility cuts if they don’t have them anymore, and they want us Hungarians to allow it too let the migrants in,” he said, adding: “but we are Hungarians and we don’t want to dance the way they whistle in Brussels.”

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