
Doctor Myasnikov named the deadliest seasonal virus


12/22/2023 10:30

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is one of the most dangerous seasonal acute respiratory viral infections, a doctor and TV presenter said on Thursday Alexander Myasnikov in your telegram channel.

This infection is very common – by the age of two, most children have already encountered it – and has a pronounced seasonal nature, causing mass morbidity in the cold season.

RSV is very dangerous, especially for infants – it claims more children’s lives than any other infection except malaria.

“It accounts for 2% of the total mortality of children under four years of age, and in the group of children under one year old this percentage increases to 7%,” the teledoctor said.

In adults, RSV can cause acute respiratory infections (about 10% of cases are caused by it) and bronchopneumonia. In risk groups, the main of which is age over 50 years, it also gives a high mortality rate – up to 6-8%.

“Treatment is the same as for all acute respiratory infections: home regimen, paracetamol, chicken soup,” Myasnikov advised.

There is good news: a vaccine has arrived. For now only for patients over 60 years of age. The nursery was returned for revision – it turned out that vaccinated children become infected more often and get more severely ill.

Author Sergey Kobin

Sergey Kobin – journalist, correspondent for the Pravda.Ru news service

Specialist Simankova Tatyana

Engaged in the prevention, observation, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of all internal organs of patients, including chickenpox, colds, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, scarlet fever, measles, rubella, bronchitis, food poisoning, etc.

Specialist Akimova Lyubov

Engaged in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of various organs and systems in children, carries out medical supervision, treats frequently ill children, draws up a vaccination schedule, etc.

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