Bojack Horseman Creator Announces New Animated Series Titled LONG STORY SHORT
“BoJack Horseman's Raphael Bob-Waksberg brings a new adult animated comedy series to Netflix, with original art by Lisa Hanawalt. Long Story Short is about…
Your Rock and Metal site
The next one September 17 will be released in the United States, exclusively in Paramount+the documentary series “Nöthin' But a Good Time: The Uncensored…
35 years of stories to celebrate
Click here to listen to the news. It was the tenacity of Alicia Mejía, Roque Ospina and Clara Echeverry, who, at the helm of…
The key is to tell local stories on a multiplatform
“What were you doing 20 years ago?” Alejandra Bellini asks Martín Girardi during one of the commercial breaks of To Cordoba. “I was still…
Panaroma Stories: “I saw an old woman on the refrigerator”
A man has scared everyone on social media after revealing a series of paranormal stories he experienced during his childhood in the house where…
7 Tips for Sports During Fasting and the Best Time
Muscular body endurance is needed during fasting. Besides maintaining a healthy diet, regular exercise also plays a vital role in your daily activities. However,…
Raiders’ Choice of Pryor Is Another Bet on Speed
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque volutpat volutpat nibh nec posuere. Donec auctor, arcu ut pretium consequat, nisl magna tempor diam,…
Couples Wins, Beating Wind and a Sore Hip
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque volutpat volutpat nibh nec posuere. Donec auctor, arcu ut pretium consequat, nisl magna tempor diam,…
A Manager Alone, as His Team Crumbles Around Him
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque volutpat volutpat nibh nec posuere. Donec auctor, arcu ut pretium consequat, nisl magna tempor diam,…
Big Victory, but Huge Loss in the Secondary
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque volutpat volutpat nibh nec posuere. Donec auctor, arcu ut pretium consequat, nisl magna tempor diam,…