
JAMA: People with shift work schedules are more susceptible to anxiety and depression

Check your work schedule or risk anxiety and depression


02/12/2024 14:32

A study conducted by Chinese scientists found that workers with shift work schedules are more susceptible to depression and anxiety.

To do this, data was analyzed on more than 175,000 British workers of both sexes, among whom 16% worked in shifts, that is, their work schedule changed throughout the day and days of the week.

During nine years of observation of study participants, it was revealed that a significant number of them were diagnosed with depression (almost 4,000 people) and increased anxiety (almost 3,000 people). An additional calculation showed that workers with shift schedules had a 22% increased risk of depression and a 16% increased risk of anxiety, compared with those who had a stable work schedule that started and ended at the same time every day, JAMA reports. Network Open.

The researchers also found that the more often a person’s work schedule changes and the longer a person works shifts, the higher the risk of developing mental disorders. It found that healthy lifestyle factors, such as not smoking, regular physical activity, a normal body mass index and getting enough sleep, can reduce these risks.

However, in addition to the negative impact on mental health, numerous studies also point to the negative effects of shift work on physical health. This is due to a malfunction of the internal biological clock (circadian rhythms), which regulates all biological processes in the body. It is known that working shifts, especially at night, can increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, cancer, obesity and diabetes.

Author Oleg Loginov

Oleg Loginov – student at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, freelance correspondent for Pravda.Ru

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