
when you find out why, you will 100% do the same

Experienced housewives pour soda on the windowsill: when you find out why, you will 100% do the same


02/12/2024 18:00

Sprinkle soda on the windowsill – this way you can clean any, even the most severe, dirt from it, BelNovosti advises.

The article provides recommendations for washing plastic frames and window sills. They easily lose their fresh appearance even for the most clean housewife.

Firstly, indoor plants abundantly litter everything around with traces of their vital activity, and after watering, puddles may remain, which, when dry, turn into ugly spots. Secondly, even high-quality plastic degrades and turns yellow under direct sunlight.

To solve the problem, the publication recommends two available remedies.

Hydrogen peroxide

Wash the window sill clean with a damp cloth, then rinse with hydrogen peroxide. The method is effective against greasy stains, so it is especially applicable in the kitchen.


Apply baking soda to a damp surface, leave for a few minutes, and wipe off with a damp sponge. Especially stubborn stains can be sprinkled with vinegar and thoroughly rubbed with a sponge.

By the way, soda and is irreplaceable when washing dishes.

Author Sergey Kobin

Sergey Kobin – journalist, correspondent for the Pravda.Ru news service

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