
Fought with police and military: In Indonesia, a female orangutan was used as a sex slave for years

Animal activists rescue female orangutan from sex slavery in Indonesia

Animal activists rescue female orangutan from sex slavery in Indonesia

British newspaper Daily Mirror exposed a story that horrifies and touches at the same time. She told the story of a female orangutan who was a victim of human cruelty and used for years as a prostitute in Indonesia. As evidence, the publication spoke with employees of the Borneo Orangutan Survival Fund on the island of Borneo, divided between three states (Indonesia, Brunei and Malaysia).

According to animal rights activists, the orangutan named Pony was kept chained to a bed for many years, shaved daily “to give her femininity” and used to copulate with anyone. When this information reached the Indonesian Animal Welfare Society, its representatives immediately tried to save the monkey, but the owner refused to give up the animal.

– He persistently refused to hand over Pony to us. For him, she was an ATM and a source of good luck, the Borneo Foundation said.

The orangutan was released only after the intervention of the police and military. According to zoologists, Pony was only six years old when she was rescued. Bruises and hematomas from the handcuffs were visible on her paws. However, it remains unknown how long Pony was in the home “brothel.”

The animal was placed in a specialized rehabilitation center in Nyare Mentenge on the same island of Borneo. For a long time, Pony was in a state of alienation, showed no interest in the environment and did not know how to get food on her own. At first, male employees were not even allowed near her, so as not to traumatize her psyche with memories of the heartbreaking treatment.

“It is completely unacceptable and disgusting that anyone would even think about using a female orangutan for sex.” It is no longer conceivable that men would pay a certain amount of money to Pony’s owner for intercourse with her. This is animalistic behavior that should be severely punished by law, animal rights activists concluded.

It is believed that orangutans are genetically closer than other monkeys to the ancestral form of the so-called “great apes.” According to recent studies, their DNA is 97 percent similar to humans. This testifies to our common origin and close connection with these creatures.


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