
A quick cookie cake will become a favorite snack for tea: the whole family will love it


01/12/2024 07:12

An easy and simple no-bake cake recipe will be an alternative to ready-made desserts. Take 670 g of sour cream 20% fat, 320 g of shortbread cookies (Yubileinoe is suitable), 150 g of sugar, two teaspoons of cocoa.


1. Mix sour cream with sugar, stirring thoroughly until the sugar is completely dissolved.

2. Place a small layer of sour cream on the bottom of a deep pan and place a layer of cookies on it. Lay out several layers like this, alternating milk cream with cookies. The top layer must be sour cream.

3. Place the dessert in the refrigerator overnight. The cookies will be soaked in sour cream and will become tender and moist.

4. Before serving, sprinkle the dessert with cocoa.

5. Cut the sour cream dessert with shortbread cookies into portions and enjoy the great taste.

The dessert can be sprinkled with cocoa, crushed walnuts, crushed cookies, coconut flakes and so on, writes iamcook. ru.

Author Elvira Makhmutova

Elvira Makhmutova – journalist, correspondent for the Pravda.Ru news service

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