
Activating the social protection program for Moroccans – Today 24

The year we are bidding farewell was marked by the Moroccan state launching a group of social projects and programs aimed at improving citizens’ access to basic health services, enhancing their ability to obtain adequate housing and strengthening family cohesion, to ensure greater social and spatial justice and equality.

The procedures of the social protection program fall within the framework of the royal workshops to reform the health system, and disseminate the latter to all segments and categories.

In the context of enhancing citizens’ ability to access adequate housing, a new housing assistance program was launched.

This program, which concerns the period between 2024 and 2028, aims to renew the approach related to assistance in owning housing and supporting the purchasing power of families, through direct financial assistance to the owner, from which Moroccans residing in Morocco or abroad, who do not have housing in Morocco, and have not previously benefited from it. From housing assistance.

At the social level, the new housing assistance program will facilitate the access of low-income social classes and the middle class to housing, reduce the housing deficit, and accelerate the pace of completion of the “Cities Without Slums” program.

On the occasion of the opening of the first session of the fifth legislative year of the tenth legislative term, King Mohammed VI delivered a speech in which he called for the universalization of health coverage for all Moroccans. The King called on “all national institutions and activities, especially Parliament, to rise to the level of the challenges of this stage and the aspirations of citizens, because Responsibility is shared, and success is either collective, for the benefit of the nation and citizens, or it is not.

At that time, the King spoke about Parliament’s role in implementing major projects and reforms and continuing mobilization and vigilance to defend the nation’s issues and its highest interests during the opening of Parliament’s fall session last October.

It was noteworthy that the eleventh legislative term was distinguished by the Parliament’s approval of a large number of draft laws related to social protection and the national health system within one year, as the number reached 12 draft laws, which is the social project that received the consensus of all political components in the Moroccan Parliament.

The matter relates to Draft Law No. 27.22 amending and supplementing Law No. 65.00, which serves as the Basic Health Coverage Code, which consists of 9 articles, and also Draft Law No. 06.22 regarding the National Health System, which consists of 33 articles, in addition to Draft Law No. 60.22 regarding the health system. Basic compulsory sickness insurance for persons who are able to bear the duties of contribution and who do not engage in any paid or unpaid activity.

This is in addition to draft laws related to reforming the health system, and the matter relates to Draft Law No. 09.22 regarding the health function (26 articles), Draft Law No. 08.22 regarding the creation of territorial health groups (23 articles), and Draft Law No. 11.22 regarding the creation of the Moroccan Agency for Blood and Its Derivatives (16 articles). ).

Draft Law No. 10.22 relating to the creation of the Moroccan Agency for Medicines and Health Products, Draft Law No. 23.23 under which the Mohammed VI Foundation for Sciences and Health was established, and Draft Law No. 07.22 relating to the creation of the Supreme Authority for Health were also approved.

This legislative process culminated in the year 2023 with the approval last month of November of Draft Law No. 41.23, which provides for the cancellation of debts owed to the National Social Security Fund as part of the basic compulsory sickness insurance system, related to subscriptions, increases, follow-up expenses, and fines, due on categories of professionals, independent workers, and unemployed persons who work A special activity, in addition to Draft Law No. 59.23 relating to the establishment of the National Social Support Agency, and Draft Law No. 58.23 relating to the direct social support system.

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