
Aeroflot is testing a service for transporting animals in the next passenger seat


12/30/2023 16:21

Aeroflot has begun testing a service in which passengers will be able to transport their pets in the next seat in the aircraft cabin. Moreover, the airline was the first to offer such a service.

Thus, according to the experiment, one passenger can carry one container with an animal or bird in any class of service. In this case, payment for an additional seat will be made at the rate that applies to an adult passenger.

Preliminarily, testing will last until March 20, 2024. The company may subsequently decide to renew.

“In accordance with safety rules, the container may only be placed on seats near the window. During the entire flight, the pet must remain in the carrier. The total weight of the container together with the animal cannot exceed 15 kg. The maximum dimensions of a rigid container are 50x30x30 cm, semi-rigid – no more than 50x32x30 cm,” added the Aeroflot press service.

Author Victoria Borisyuk

Victoria Borisyuk is a journalist, correspondent for the Pravda.Ru news service.

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