
An alpaca was born at the Moscow Zoo. The color of the cub takes after its mother | October 10, 2023

A baby alpaca was born at the Center for the Reproduction of Rare Species of Animals near Volokolamsk, according to the Moscow Zoo’s telegram channel. Along with the news, the zoo’s press service shared a cute video with the baby.

The young female alpaca gave birth to her first child on September 19th. As zoo specialists clarified, he took after his mother in color – white with red spots, one of them right between the cub’s eyes.

Subscribers to the Moscow Zoo account greeted the good news with delight: “The baby boom continues and it’s wonderful!”, “What a cute baby alpine, it’s like he jumped out of a cartoon!”, “Health to the cub and the young mother.”

“This was the first baby for our female alpaca, so she was moved to a separate enclosure to observe the behavior and allow the baby to get stronger,” the message says. It is clarified that the male was worried about this move and called his girlfriend. Later it was decided not to isolate the animals, as was the case with the big one. panda Dindin and her cub. Now the alpaca and her baby have settled down and come close to visitors.

Experts added that in the Center for the Reproduction of Rare Animal Species of the Moscow Zoo, vicunas, wild relatives of the alpaca, have been breeding for many years. The latter appeared in the nursery recently, and they had offspring for the first time.

In early August, a domestic yak calf was born there, and in June, three chicks hatched from a pair of snowy owls.

According to statistics published at the end of December by the Moscow Zoo, more than 1,600 animals appeared there in 2022, including rare species. This is a record for the capital’s zoo.

The leaders in the number of offspring were birds: pelicans, swans, cormorants, golden eagles, polar owls, pink and red flamingos, long-tailed owls and Humboldt penguins, one of the smallest species in the world, acquired chicks. Among the mammals, the offspring were vicunas, reindeer, crybaby capuchins, lion-tailed macaques, mandrills, wolverines and ring-tailed lemurs Bella and Funtik.

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