
Cats lie down at your feet to protect their owners and… run away in time


12/22/2023 11:25

I wonder how often your cat prefers to lie at your feet. In this article we will tell you why this particular place is one of the most preferred for your pet.

When it’s time for cats to sleep, they often choose the cozy haven of your feet. As an animal behavior consultant explains, this behavior is related to the alertness instinct that cats awaken before bed. The animal prefers to choose a place near your feet to be alert and ensure your safety.

It’s not just the defense behind this behavior, but also the desire to be close to you. Contrary to popular belief that cats are prone to loneliness, they can show love and affection. If your pet prefers to sleep next to you, this may be a sign of his satisfaction from spending time in your company.

It is obvious that your pet understands that you care about him – you feed him, give him treats, play and pay attention. These displays of care and attention can become additional motivation for the cat to prefer a place at your feet.

Finally, another reason why cats choose this location may be to keep warm. If your cat is feeling hot, she may jump on your feet, which is a great way for her to feel warm and comfortable.

Author Peter Deryabin

Petr Deryabin – journalist, correspondent for the news service Pravda.Ru

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