
Chinese archaeologists have discovered a 4,000-year-old palace in Henan province

In Henan Province, located in central China, archaeologists have found the remains of a palace and barns dating back 4,000 years. They were discovered at two important archaeological sites – the Zhuqiu Temple in the city of Zhoukou and the ancient walled city of Xinmi, built during the Xia Dynasty, which ruled ancient China from 2070 to 1600 BC. e. And new discoveries have provided archaeologists with additional data from that period of history.

The rammed earth foundation discovered at the excavation site covers an area of ​​approximately 1,800 square meters. m – 60 meters long and 30 wide. According to archaeologists, this is part of the ancient palace complex of the city. The building rose in the center, was surrounded by terraces, monasteries and a central square.

A little to the east of this monumental find, archaeologists also discovered the remains of rammed earth, which they believe was part of the same building complex.

In addition, at the site of the Zhuqiu Temple, researchers found more than 100 relics dating back to the period of construction of the fortress. Including the remains of ash pits, ditches, and architectural structures. Among the most important finds are the remains of two circular grain storage buildings, reminiscent of granaries from the early Xia Dynasty.

According to archaeologists, the discovery will provide new materials for studying the level of development of dry farming, grain storage technology and the history of granary construction in ancient northern China.

We are sure that archaeologists will unearth many more interesting things, because the story alone is worth it about why in ancient China they dressed the dead in jade chain mail.

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