
Clear weeds, loosen the soil: preparing the land for planting

Clear weeds, loosen the soil: preparing the land for planting


02/12/2024 05:18

Preparing the land for planting is an important stage in plant cultivation. The further growth and development of plants, as well as productivity, depend on how well this procedure is performed. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to preparing the land before planting.

When preparing land for planting, it is important to clear it of weeds, remnants of previous crops and other impurities. This can be done by hand weeding or using special tools such as cultivators or hoes. It is important to remove all weeds as they compete with the plants for nutrients and water.

Next, you need to plow the land. This will loosen the soil and improve its air exchange. Plowing should be carried out to a depth of 20-25 cm to provide plants with access to nutrients and water. If the soil is too heavy, you can add organic fertilizers such as humus or compost to improve its structure.

After plowing, it is necessary to deeply aerate the soil. This will improve its drainage and provide oxygen access to the roots of the plants. To do this, you can use special aerators or just a pitchfork. Deep aeration is especially important for heavy clay soils that can be tightly compacted.

After this, it is necessary to fertilize the soil. To do this, you can use organic or mineral fertilizers, depending on the condition of the soil and the requirements of the crop. Fertilizers must be applied to the soil to a depth of 10-15 cm and distributed evenly over the entire area.

Before planting plants, it is necessary to water the soil. This will allow you to set the optimal humidity level and provide the plants with water in the first days after planting. Watering should be carried out several days before planting so that the soil has time to settle a little.

Preparing the land for planting is an important step that must be performed with special attention and care. This will provide the plants with optimal conditions for growth and development, as well as get a good harvest.

How to properly prepare the soil

Author Vladislav Lenivko

Vladislav Lenivko – journalist, correspondent for the news service Pravda.Ru

Curator Andrey Tumanov

Andrey Tumanov – Russian journalist and TV presenter, producer, political figure

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