
Everything was demolished: residents of Kuzbass showed the consequences of bad weather

On Sunday, November 19, a storm warning was announced in Kuzbass. Strong winds of more than 25 meters per second left residents without heating, water and electricity. About it writes

For several hours, gusts of wind carried debris and rearranged trash cans. The facades of residential buildings were damaged, trees were torn out along with their roots, causing damage to nearby cars. In addition to stoppages, bad weather even overturned trucks. One of the apartments in the Novoilinsky district of Novokuznetsk stayed no balcony.

In Belovo, Kemerovo region, pieces of buildings were flying in the air. On the Internet, some noted that a real apocalypse reigned in the city. In Prokopyevsk, residents could observe a greenhouse that was blown onto the roof of the building by the wind.

In total, according to the head of Kemerovo, Dmitry Anisimov, during the day, specialists processed more than 40 requests for fallen trees, damaged roofs, road signs and banners. In Novokuznetsk, according to the head of the city, Sergei Kuznetsov, the disaster damaged 45 social facilities, 47 roofs in apartment buildings, knocked down more than 200 trees, and damaged 30 cars.

City leaders called on residents to take part in community cleanups to clean up the streets after the storm.

Anna Morozova

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