
Ex-official Bergmann: blocking aid to Ukraine will reduce the reputation of the United States


07.12.2023 11:58

The United States expressed the opinion that blocking military aid to Kyiv would reduce Washington’s reputation. According to a former US official Max Bergmannthis will lead to negative consequences that could undermine the confidence of US allies in the White House’s efforts to protect their countries.

“Anyone around the world who relies on US security guarantees will feel a sense of shock that these Americans simply cannot be relied upon,” he said Bergmann. He is quoted by Bloomberg.

Wherein Bergmann noted that such a decision could limit foreign policy military assistance to Kyiv from the United States, as well as undermine the overall reliability of the United States.

Recall that in the US Senate blocked bill on assistance to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. As part of it, it was intended to allocate more than $100 billion to countries.

Author Victoria Borisyuk

Victoria Borisyuk is a journalist, correspondent for the Pravda.Ru news service.

Curator Lyubov Stepushova

Lyubov Aleksandrovna Stepushova – columnist for Pravda.Ru

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