
From this corn you will make popcorn. Can be grown on site

From this corn you will make popcorn. Can be grown on site


02/12/2024 03:12

Corn for popcorn is not only a tasty delicacy, but also an interesting plant that you can grow in your summer cottage. We talk about how to properly grow corn for popcorn and get your own harvest.

The first step to successfully growing popcorn is choosing a suitable location in your garden. Corn loves sunny places and grows well in fertile soils. Therefore, choose an area with good light and prepare the soil by adding organic fertilizers.

To plant corn, you need to choose a variety that is suitable specifically for growing popcorn. Pay attention to the characteristics of the variety, such as plant height, ripening time and disease resistance. It is best to choose varieties that are recommended for growing in your region.

After choosing a variety, you can begin planting corn. The optimal time for this is the end of April or the beginning of May. Corn should be planted to a depth of about 5 cm, keeping a distance of about 20 cm between plants. After planting, it is recommended to water the soil well and feed the plants with nitrogen fertilizers.

An important step in growing popcorn corn is maintaining optimal soil moisture levels. Corn loves moist soil, but does not tolerate stagnant water. Therefore, water the plants regularly, but do not allow puddles to form in the area.

As corn grows, it is necessary to remove weeds and loosen the soil around the plants. This will allow the plants to receive more nutrients and water, and also prevent the development of diseases.

When the corn reaches maturity, it can be harvested to make popcorn. To do this, you need to wait until the cobs turn yellow and the grains are hard to the touch. Collect the cobs and leave them in the sun to dry for several days.

Famous varieties of corn for popcorn

The first and, perhaps, the most famous variety of corn for popcorn is “Babushkin Onion”. This variety is characterized by large grains and high yield. It has a characteristic yellow color and has an excellent taste. “Babushkin onion” is excellent for growing in central Russia and can be planted at any time in the spring.

Another popular variety of corn for popcorn is “Mix”. It is a mixture of different varieties of corn, which makes it especially interesting to grow. “Mix” has a variety of grain colors – from yellow to red and even black. This variety is highly disease resistant and can be planted in any climate.

If you want to grow corn for popcorn with an unusual taste, then pay attention to the Caramel variety. It has a sweet taste and delicate texture, which makes popcorn made from it especially aromatic and tasty. “Caramel” is also high-yielding and can be planted in any type of soil.

If you’re looking for a variety of popcorn corn that will grow well in dry climates, look no further than Desert Oasis. This variety is highly resistant to drought and can be planted at any time of the year. It also features large grains and a rich flavor.

Don’t forget about the “Little Giant” variety. It has small grains, but at the same time has high yield and excellent taste. “Little Giant” can be planted in any type of soil and is suitable for growing in any climate.

Growing corn for popcorn

Author Vladislav Lenivko

Vladislav Lenivko – journalist, correspondent for the news service Pravda.Ru

Curator Andrey Tumanov

Andrey Tumanov – Russian journalist and TV presenter, producer, political figure

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