
Hero of special operation “Z” senior sergeant Alimov removed ammunition from under fire

Senior Sergeant Viktor ALIMOV and Corporal Roman AKIMENKO

Senior Sergeant Viktor ALIMOV and Corporal Roman AKIMENKO

We continue to introduce the heroes of special operation “Z” – participants in the fighting in Donbass. Privates, sergeants, corporals and officers who showed their professional experience, character and completed combat missions. Their determination, assertiveness and combat experience are highly appreciated by the Russian Ministry of Defense and the police units of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics.

Our heroes thwarted attacks and prevented nationalist counter-offensives, for which they received state awards. But they do not serve for the sake of praise. The servicemen are confident that the enemy has no chance of success, because Donbass and Russia are fighting for a just cause.

“Attack with what you came with! Stab, chop, drive, cut off, don’t miss! “Hooray!” “He works miracles, brothers!” said Generalissimo Alexander Suvorov, who did not lose a single battle. And he instructed the soldiers like this: “Do not carry large convoys with you, the main thing is speed and pressure, your bread is in the convoy and backpacks of the enemies.”


Corporal Roman AKIMENKO

“The crew of the Osa anti-aircraft missile system, which included Corporal Roman Akimenko, carried out a combat mission to detect enemy air targets and issue the coordinates of their location, as well as cover the forces and assets of the Russian battalion tactical group defending one of the populated areas. During the offensive, the enemy, trying to use the airspace during the attack, launched an artillery strike on the area where the Osa air defense system was located. While in position, Roman noticed that one soldier from the crew was seriously wounded and was unable to get out from under fire. Not paying attention to the shelling, Roman pulled the injured colleague out from under the fire, evacuated him to a safe place and provided assistance, thereby saving his life. Having made sure that his comrade’s life was not in danger, Roman returned to the Osa air defense system, which had changed its position, and continued to cover the Russian BTG from air attacks.”


Senior Sergeant Viktor ALIMOV

“The automobile department under the command of Senior Sergeant Viktor Alimov acted as part of a battalion tactical group carrying out tasks to organize the evacuation of failed equipment, not far from one of the populated areas. The enemy opened artillery fire on the parking lot of Russian vehicles. Instantly assessing the situation, despite the incessant shelling, Senior Sergeant Alimov, together with his subordinate personnel, quickly removed a vehicle loaded with ammunition from under fire and evacuated it to a safe distance, which prevented the destruction of ammunition and equipment. Thanks to the courage, bravery and selfless actions of Senior Sergeant Viktor Alimov, the destruction of a large amount of military equipment and ammunition was prevented, which allowed the Russian troops to successfully complete their assigned tasks.”

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