
Heroes of special operation “Z” guard sergeant major Sigonin neutralized an enemy drone

Guard Sergeant Major Vladimir Sigonin and Sergeant Valentin Gusev.

Guard Sergeant Major Vladimir Sigonin and Sergeant Valentin Gusev.

Photo: Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

We continue to introduce the heroes of special operation “Z” – participants in the fighting in Donbass. Privates, sergeants, corporals and officers who showed their professional experience, character and completed combat missions. Their determination, assertiveness and combat experience are highly appreciated by the Russian Ministry of Defense. Our heroes thwarted attacks and prevented nationalist counter-offensives, for which they received state awards. But they do not serve for the sake of praise. The servicemen are confident that the enemy has no chance of success, because Donbass and Russia are fighting for a just cause.

“Heroism defeats courage, patience defeats speed, reason defeats intelligence, labor defeats laziness, history defeats newspapers,” repeated Generalissimo Alexander Suvorov, who did not lose a single battle. During the campaigns, he admonished his subordinates with the words: “Fight not with numbers, but with skill.”


Sergeant Valentin GUSEV

“The driver of the armored repair department, Sergeant Valentin Gusev, during participation in a special military operation, performs tasks to restore and repair weapons and military special equipment that were damaged during combat operations. As part of the repair units at the collection point for damaged vehicles (SPPM) in stationary conditions, as well as as part of mobile teams on the front line, Valentin carried out repairs and replacement of components and assemblies of automotive equipment, as well as tracked vehicles. Thanks to the competent and professional actions of Sergeant Valentin Gusev, 21 heavy repairs of units were carried out directly on the line of combat contact. In addition, using his life experience and professional knowledge, Sergeant Gusev trained young specialists in new repair methods.”


Guard Sergeant Major Vladimir SIGONIN

“Guard Sergeant Major Vladimir Sigonin, as part of a group of military personnel, carried out an assault on a stronghold of Ukrainian militants. Moving towards enemy positions, the group came under enemy mortar fire, which was being adjusted from a nationalist unmanned aerial vehicle. Sigonin, using a portable electronic warfare system, suppressed the control and data transmission channels of the enemy unmanned aerial system, thereby depriving the enemy of the ability to adjust the fire of mortar weapons. After the group got out from under enemy fire, Vladimir provided first aid to the group’s personnel who were injured during the advance. As a result of the competent and decisive actions of Guard Sergeant Major Vladimir Sigonin, the lives of three Russian servicemen were saved, the work of Ukrainian UAVs was suppressed, which contributed to the unhindered advance of the group and the capture of the enemy’s stronghold.”

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