
homemade spray recipes for perfect cleanliness of tools

Care for makeup brushes: homemade spray recipes for perfect cleanliness of tools


03/11/2024 00:10

Keeping your makeup brushes clean and hygienic not only extends their lifespan, but also keeps your skin healthy. While there are many professional brush cleaners on the market, making your own sprays is an easy, quick and budget-friendly way to keep your brushes in tip-top condition. Here are some recipes for making these sprays from

Recipe 1

This recipe is the easiest and fastest way to keep your makeup brushes super clean. It instantly removes makeup residue, leaving it fresh and ready for the next use.

Required ingredients:

  • Alcohol – 1.5 cups
  • Distilled water – 1/2 cup
  • Aromatic essential oil – 10–15 drops (optional)
  • Spray
  • Funnel


Using a funnel, carefully pour the alcohol into the empty spray bottle. Dilute it with distilled water. If desired, add a little essential oil to reduce the smell of alcohol and give the spray a more pleasant aroma. Shake the bottle thoroughly to mix the ingredients well.

Recipe 2

This recipe relies on the properties of essential oils like tea tree and lavender to help not only clean your brushes, but also sanitize them.

Required ingredients:

  • Distilled water – 1/2 cup
  • Tea tree essential oil – 12–16 drops
  • Lavender essential oil – 8–10 drops
  • Spray
  • Funnel


Using a funnel, pour distilled water into the spray bottle. Add tea tree and lavender essential oil. Cap the bottle and shake well to ensure even distribution of oils. Tea tree oil has antibacterial properties, while lavender oil soothes the skin and adds a pleasant aroma.

If If you are sensitive to tea tree oil, you can use peppermint instead.

Do it yourself: SPRAY FOR CLEANING BRUSHES #easy and simple

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