
Housing transactions of one category of Russians were offered to be filmed

It was proposed to film notarial actions with housing for elderly Russians. A bill on new rules for concluding transactions for this category of citizens was introduced into State Dumawrites RIA News.

The authors of the initiative were deputies of the faction LDPR. Parliamentarians believe that this measure will help further protect pensioners from theft of apartments – often such sellers may be under the influence of misconceptions about the essence of the actions they commit.

“When certifying transactions for the alienation or encumbrance of real estate, one of the parties to which is a person who has reached the age of 60, the notary performs the actions provided for in this article… using video recording equipment in the manner established by the Federal Notary Chamber. Video recording materials are subject to mandatory storage in the manner established by the Federal Notary Chamber,” the text of the bill says.

Previously Russians warned about the risks of simply writing housing transactions. As the notaries explained, such transactions are concluded, essentially, on the word of honor. The owner of the property may be misleading regarding the contents of the contract, provide false documents, remain silent about hidden owners, as well as the status of his bankruptcy.

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