
How experienced housewives restore softness and pleasant-to-touch character to terry towels

After a nice shower, there is nothing better than wrapping yourself in a soft and warm towel. However, many people encounter a problem when, after washing, the towel loses its softness, becomes hard and no longer absorbs moisture well. These changes concern not only sensations, but also the functional qualities of the fabric.

Such changes in the material usually occur for several reasons, including errors during washing, such as high speed or water temperature, and the use of poor quality powder, which causes the fibers to stick together.

However, you shouldn’t immediately get rid of your favorite towel. There are several ways to restore it to its original look and feel.

How to make terry towels soft:

Steaming: Use a regular steamer. This method will not only add softness, but also destroy bacteria on the material.

Soak: Leave the towel to soak in cool water after your normal wash. This process helps remove particles that stick the fibers together.

Using cleaning gel and conditioner: Choose a gel cleanser instead of a powder and use a special conditioner to maintain softness.

Folk remedies:

Baking soda: Removes stains and softens the material.

Acetic acid: Softens fibers. Solution – 100 ml per 10 liters of water, after which it is necessary to rinse in clean water.

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