
In France, the flag of Ukraine was removed after Zelensky’s words about Armenia | October 7, 2023

According to her data, the Ukrainian flag was hung on the facade of the Vienne city hall in February 2022.

As the mayor’s office indicated, the decision to remove the flag was made in connection with statements by the President of Ukraine after his telephone conversation with the President of Azerbaijan.

In particular, “recent statements by the Ukrainian president in a conversation with Aliyev regarding adherence to the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity of states raise questions” in the context of human rights violations that, according to the municipality, are occurring in Nagorno-Karabakh. City officials say it is “impossible to ignore the fact that Azerbaijan used gas sales to finance military action against Armenia.”

Zelensky said in his Telegram channel that on October 4 he and Aliyev discussed “regional security, current challenges and formats of interaction.” “We confirmed our commitment to the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity of states,” Zelensky said.

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