
Israeli authorities have admitted the existence of a plan to resettle Gazans to Egypt | October 31, 2023

“Israel admitted <...> that one of the ministries has drawn up <...> a proposal to move 2.3 million residents of the Gaza Strip to Egypt on the Sinai Peninsula,” the report says.

According to the agency, the document is dated October 13. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office treated it as a hypothetical plan. There have been no substantive discussions with the security services on the matter, one Israeli official told The Associated Press.

The agency notes that the plan excludes the transfer of the Gaza Strip to the control of the Palestinian Authority or support for the creation of a new enclave government.

The presence of such a document caused discontent in Palestine, the article says. A spokesman for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said authorities oppose moving the Gaza Strip’s population anywhere and described the plan as a red line they would not allow to be crossed.

As the Financial Times wrote, Netanyahu tried to convince European leaders to put pressure on Egypt to accept refugees from Gaza. In response, Egypt threatened to send these refugees to countries EU.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is associated with the territorial interests of the parties and has remained a source of tension and fighting in the Middle East for many decades. By decision UN With the active role of the USSR in 1947, the creation of two states was determined – Israel and Palestine, but only the Israeli one was created.

A new round of confrontation began after Israel was subjected to an unprecedented rocket attack from the Gaza Strip on the morning of October 7. After massive shelling, fighters Hamas penetrated into the border areas in the south of the Jewish state, where they opened fire on both military and civilians, and also took hostages. The movement’s military wing, the Al-Qassam Brigades, announced Operation Al-Aqsa Flood.

In response, the Israel Defense Forces launched Operation Iron Swords in the Gaza Strip. Within days of the attack, the Israeli military took control of all populated areas near the border and began conducting airstrikes against targets, including civilians, in the enclave. In addition, Israel announced a complete blockade of Gaza: supplies of water, food, electricity, medicine and fuel were suspended.

The number of victims in the Gaza Strip exceeded eight thousand people, half of whom were children, and about 18 thousand were injured. More than 1.4 thousand people died in Israel, including 20 Russians. In addition, according to various estimates, about 250 people may be held captive by Hamas.

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