
Narsa warns road users of the danger of not adhering to road safety regulations on the occasion of New Year (Communication) – Today 24

The National Road Safety Agency (NARSA) called on drivers of various types of vehicles to be vigilant and cautious while using the road and to take all necessary precautions and measures to provide prevention and road safety conditions, given the heavy traffic that the various axes of the national road network will witness coinciding with the New Year’s period. . In a statement released today, Saturday, the agency urged all road users, “particularly private car drivers, professional drivers of taxis, public buses for passengers, and trucks transporting goods, from the position of responsibility placed on them, to respect the traffic law and adhere to road safety requirements and controls.” “.

Before using the road, the agency stressed the need for vehicles to be subjected to mechanical maintenance and careful technical examination of the safety devices and to ensure their suitability and that they are free of any technical defect that could cause traffic accidents, especially the safety of the wheels, locking devices, springs, windshield wipers, etc., in addition to the driver taking an ample amount of Rest so that he can drive safely and soundly, because exhaustion and fatigue cause his inability to concentrate and weak cognitive ability, which negatively affects the assessment of distances and speed and confusion in performing maneuvers while driving, and thus slowness in making appropriate decisions.

These controls also include pre-determining the travel route in order to avoid unpleasant surprises and potential dangers, as well as organizing luggage and fastening it tightly, and not loading the car more than the permissible load, because this poses a threat to the safety of passengers and other road users. While driving, the agency stressed the necessity of reducing speed, ensuring that it is compatible with traffic conditions and the road environment, while fully adhering to traffic rules, especially at the level of curves, slopes, and rough and twisted roads, as well as respecting the legal safety distance inside and outside the urban area, especially in National roads and highways, in addition to increasing attention while driving at night to avoid any danger.

Narsa also warned that children under the age of ten must be seated in the back seats, with safety belts must be fastened, whether for front or back seat passengers, in addition to passengers on public transport buses, calling for avoiding travel in the form of a close convoy and warning. Other drivers when they want to overtake the law or begin to stop while avoiding sudden stops, as well as not using a mobile phone while driving.

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