
Noah’s Ark was found, the Flood really happened: Scientists have found sensational confirmation of biblical texts | October 29, 2023

Source: RIA News”

In short: traces of sea water, clay and the remains of marine organisms were found on Mount Ararat. And this confirms the biblical story about the Great Flood, with which God destroyed humanity, mired in sins, and about the Ark, which the righteous Noah built and escaped on it along with his family and animals, taking “a pair of each creature.”

We sailed for about 200 days. We landed at the “Mountains of Ararat”, living there for a year, waiting for the water to subside.

The findings were announced by scientists from three Turkish universities who are conducting excavations at the site of the so-called “Ararat Anomaly.”

Information about who discovered the “Anomaly” varies. The Turks claim that it was pointed out in 1959 by expert cartographer Captain Durupinar.

IN CIAwhich released its images in 1995, said they were taken from a spy plane in 1949.

The mysterious place has been photographed many times from orbit by both Americans and Europeans. But even very clear images taken in 2003 from the Quick Bird satellite with a resolution of up to 60 cm did not lead to any indisputable conclusions.

Enthusiasts’ opinion: “The Ararat Anomaly” represents Noah’s Ark – or rather its fossilized remains.

The “anomaly” looks like the skeleton of a huge boat. It is located on the southwestern side of Mount Ararat at an altitude of about 4420 meters, approximately 2 kilometers west of the mountain’s top horizontally.

According to biblical data, the length of the Ark was about 180 meters, the width was about 27 meters. The ratio of length and width is 6:1. The same proportions are demonstrated by the “Anomaly” filmed from satellites.

Last year, Turkish scientists collected several dozen samples in the “Anomaly” area, that is, as they believed, around, and near Noah’s Ark, analyzed them and now claim that “the samples contain clay and marine materials, as well as seafood.” They are approximately 5500 years old.

The Arkeonews website and the British Daily Mail reported this according to the head of the research team, Professor Faruk Kaya.

The train of thought of enthusiastic scientists is as follows: sea water rising to at least 4,420 meters most likely indicates that there was a Flood. This means that the rest of the information – specifically about him, indicated in the Bible – can be trusted. That is, the idea that the “Ararat Anomaly” most likely represents “the very place” where Noah landed is not at all crazy.

The hypothesis, by the way, is indirectly confirmed by the words of an authoritative scientist, the famous “ark expert” Porcher Taylor, a professor at the University of Richmond. In 2001, he reported in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda that in July 1955, French industrialist and researcher Fernand Navarre found a meter-long piece of human-made petrified wood just a few meters from the “Ararat Anomaly.”

How many arks were there?

Skeptics, of course, doubt the Turkish “discoveries”. Moreover, Noah’s Ark was “found” several times in different places. True, everything is on the same Mount Ararat.

In 1959, a Turkish pilot – a certain Lieutenant Kurtis – allegedly also saw from an airplane the remains of some huge ship on the slope of Ararat. Only they were located about 20 kilometers from the “Ararat Anomaly” and 2 thousand meters lower. This, by the way, gives reason for some “hot heads” to assume that there were two arks – at least. And someone else followed old Noah.

In 1939, an interview with a former tsarist army pilot, Lieutenant Vladimir Roskovitsky, appeared in the American magazine New Eden. He claimed that he discovered the ark in 1916 during a reconnaissance flight. Reported to the king. Nicholas II equipped the expedition with 150 people. In two weeks they reached the ark. According to Roskovitsky, the ship looked like a giant barge and a freight car at the same time. Inside there were many rooms – large and small. Moreover, the small ones were covered with a metal mesh.

Alas, reports about the expedition and photos disappeared during the revolution. It is impossible to understand to which place the observations relate. But it is clear that this is not the “Ararat anomaly”.

Writer Charles Berlitz in his book “The Lost Ship of Noah” cites the testimony of the Armenian George Hagopian. He “wove” that in 1905, as an 8-year-old boy, he climbed Mount Ararat with his grandfather. I found the ark and visited inside. On the upper deck I saw a superstructure with many windows. The body of the ark was huge and hard as stone. It’s also not like what the Turks are talking about now.

Outdone were Chinese documentary filmmakers from a group called Noah’s Ark Ministries International (NAMI), which is based in Hong Kong. They said that they reached the remains of the Ark in 2009. Allegedly, they were led along secret paths by the Kurds.

According to the Chinese, they saw a fairly well-preserved ship: “an icy wooden platform with fragments of walls along the edges, which resembled the remains of a huge wooden box, several compartments fenced off with wooden beams…”.

The place where the “Chinese Ark” was discovered was located 18 kilometers from the “Ararat Anomaly”.

In a word, it’s a dark matter. Time will tell how serious the recent Turkish discovery is. Research into the “Anomaly,” which really does look strange, continues.

And at this time

Having proven that Noah moored 5,500 years ago on the territory of what is now Turkey, we will have to solve other mysteries: where on Earth did so much water come from that it flooded right up to Ararat? And where did this water go then?

There are hypotheses – very convincing ones. But they do not inspire optimism. Details in our material “The Earth is accumulating water for a new Flood.”

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