
Orbán and the ninjas – Why did an assassin call himself a “shadow fighter”?

In the first few months of the war raging in our neighborhood, it was shown that Viktor Orbán is no longer a street fighter, but he has not become an apostle of peace, and he is no longer his own comrade in arms in the windmill battle he fought with the regime in the middle of Europe.

Ninja (忍者) or shinobi (忍) were the “shadow warriors” of feudal society. In contrast, the ninja is a master of darkness and stealth who is more skilled in cunning and murder.

Two main terms have spread in public opinion:

Ninja: according to Chinese pronunciation, the first half of the kanji is nin, meaning endurance. The second half, ja, complements the previous one, in this case it means a person.

Sinobi: according to Japanese pronunciation Sinobi-no-mono, which is shortened to sinobi. The kanji reading of nin is shinobi when pronounced in Japanese, the other part of the word is mono denoting a person, and the particle no connects the two nouns.

The Japanese who lived in the Middle Ages also knew the ancestors of the ninja, who came from China. The first written mention of their existence and combat behavior is in the book The Art of War by the Chinese Sun Tzu.

In 2018, he met Chuck Norris when he took the 78-year-old action star and his wife to a TEK workout, Orbán remarked on the way that

you know, I’m more of a street fighter, I don’t come from the elite.

And now the opening to the east is like a decision, the role of a street fighter has been transformed into a ninja.

Historically, ninjas were required to possess 18 skills, which are:

Seishinteki kyoyo – spiritual refinement

Taijutsu – unarmed combat

Kenjutsu – sword techniques

Bojutsu – stick techniques

Salt Jutsu – Spear Techniques

Naginatajutsu – Naginata techniques

Kusarigamajutsu – kusarigama techniques

Shurikenjutsu – throwing weapon techniques

Kayakujutsu – pyrotechnics, fireworks

Hensōjutsu – impersonation in disguise

Shinobi-IRI – stealth and entry methods

Bajutsu – horse riding

Sui-ren – water training

Bóryaku – tactics

Tsoho – espionage

Intonjutsu – escape and silence

Tenmon – meteorology

Chi-mon – geography

If the government had already turned towards Asia, it would have been more fortunate to bring out the samurai, because they are warriors who serve the ruling emperor or shogunate without asking for a fee for their service.

Ninjas are mercenaries for hire who would be willing to serve anyone willing to pay them an asking price in exchange for their services.

Thus, the word ninja itself is not pejorative, but historically they were not the principled honest warriors like the samurai who developed their own culture that had and still has a great impact on all of Japan.

This culture currently includes the Japanese tea culture, painting with monochrome (one color) ink, building rock gardens and writing poetry. They were built on a Chinese model. Zen Buddhist monks showed it to them and allowed them to distribute it due to the great interest.

After all, ninjas are nothing more than cold-blooded and often unprincipled assassins who attack in ambush and stealth, and can be hired by anyone.

Our article is an opinion piece, which does not necessarily reflect the position of’s editors and staff, the author of the article is a journalist, economist and historian who researches the political changes of the present time.

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