
Residents of southern Russia were warned: no fireworks!

New Year’s salutes and fireworks are prohibited in the south of Russia, warned a high-ranking source in the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.

“We warn residents of border regions once again: it is forbidden to set off fireworks during the New Year holidays,” he said in a conversation with Pravda. Ru.

Violators will be identified, among other things, by the videos they post on the Internet.

“The police received instructions: send out squads, work from photo and video materials of violations [запрета] from social networks and instant messengers, draw up protocols,” the publication’s interlocutor clarified.

According to him, fines for violating the ban are quite significant: up to 30 thousand rubles.

“There are already precedents – a 52-year-old Kerchan woman was fined, who thought: “It’s my birthday, they must understand.” They didn’t understand and won’t understand, a ban is a ban,” the representative of the department emphasized.

The restrictions are dictated by security considerations.

“This is not a whim – the sound of fireworks can easily be confused with the operation of air defense or the explosion of an enemy UAV, in addition, enemies can use fireworks (sounds, flashes) as camouflage for sabotage,” he explained.

“Now the fireworks are going off in the northwestern military zone, at the enemy. Let’s wait for our victory – I’m sure [её] amazing fireworks will be an honor,” the security official concluded.

Earlier, the mayor of Sochi announced the cancellation fireworks in the city because of the Northern Military District, then the governor of the Krasnodar Territory joined this initiative and called on others to do the same – as a result of the New Year fireworks will not be in more than 20 regions, including Moscow.

Author Sergey Kobin

Sergey Kobin – journalist, correspondent for the Pravda.Ru news service

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