
Roman Kostomarov: “I was screaming in pain, as if they were operating on a living person”

Roman Kostomarov.  Photo: NTV Screen

Roman Kostomarov. Photo: NTV Screen

Roman Kostomarov gave a poignant interview Lera Kudryavtseva. The skater honestly said that he was crying from powerlessness. After all, nothing can be changed. At the same time, he asks not to feel sorry for him.

Roman Kostomarov for the first time I decided to talk about my illness and the amputations I experienced. Due to the development of necrosis and sepsis, the athlete underwent several operations. Now he moves with the help of prostheses.

“The hardest thing is to see yourself on skates… When you see your legs and arms, and how perfect the human body is, and how imperfect it is now for me… This is now forever. No matter what they do, no matter what prostheses they install. This will not replace my arms and legs.” , he said.

For now, Roman can’t imagine how he can live without hands. “The whole life is built on this. I wrote on my hand that death is part of life. I really faced this,” Roman shared with Leroy Kudryavtseva in the show “Secret for a Million” on NTV.

Speaking about the details of his terrible illness, Kostomarov asks not to feel sorry for him. “As soon as they start feeling sorry for me, I start crying,” said the skater

He remembered how he was prepared for the next amputation: “I just started crying, and I understood that there was no other way out. I was screaming, just in pain, as if they were operating on a living person.”

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