
Sick leave in 2023. How to apply and find out the payment amount | October 10, 2023

Source: RIA News”

How to apply for sick leave

A sick leave certificate is a document that confirms that a person misses work due to illness or caring for a sick family member. A certificate of incapacity for work is issued on the first day of illness at a medical institution. From 2022 it will be issued only electronically.. The attending physician has the right to issue sick leave for no more than 15 days. Extension of the certificate of incapacity beyond this period is carried out by decision of the medical commission. The maximum period of sick leave is 10 monthsfor tuberculosis – 12. You can draw up as many similar documents as you like in a year.

Only medical organizations or individual entrepreneurs who have the appropriate license can issue a certificate of incapacity for work. The employee must have a passport and SNILS. In addition, you will need to provide your TIN.

Who can get sick leave

Sick leave certificates are issued:

– those working under an employment contract, state and municipal employees, priests, employees of a production cooperative;

— those working under a civil contract, except for individual entrepreneurs and self-employed people. Performers under the GPC agreement will be paid sick leave in 2023 if compulsory social insurance contributions were paid for them in 2022;

– lawyers, individual entrepreneurs engaged in private practice, heads of peasant (farm) households, if they voluntarily pay social contributions for themselves;

– unemployed. However, you will have to choose which benefit to receive, unemployment or sick leave.

You can receive sick leave for the following reasons:

— industrial injury;

– pregnancy or abortion;

— adoption of a newborn child;

– caring for a sick family member;

— being in quarantine;

— quarantine in the child’s kindergarten;

— prosthetics for medical reasons;

– treatment in a sanatorium after hospitalization.

How is sick leave paid?

The first three days of sick leave are paid by the employer, then the benefit is paid at the expense of Social Fund of Russia. In cases where an employee goes on maternity leave, cares for a sick family member, is in quarantine or is being treated in a sanatorium, the fund pays benefits from the first day.

The amount of payment depends on length of service and average earnings, which is calculated over the past two years of work. In 2023, this will be the income for 2021 and 2022. Only those payments from which the employer paid insurance premiums are taken into account. If an employee receives a gray salary, then his benefit may be less. The maximum amount of income cannot exceed RUB 966,000 for 2021 and RUB 1,032,000 for 2022. The total amount of earnings is divided by 730 (calendar days for two years), thus obtaining a daily payment. Then it is applied to it coefficient for length of service. This amount is multiplied by the number of days of sick leave and from it personal income tax is deducted.

Thus, the benefit could be:

– no more than the minimum wage with an insurance period of less than 6 months;

– with less than 5 years of experience – 60% of earnings;

– with experience from 5 to 8 years – 80% of earnings;

– with more than 8 years of experience – 100% of earnings, but not higher than the established limit for the last two years.

This year, for one day of incapacity, an employee can receive up to 2,736.99 rubles.

Payments for sick leave are received after it is closed. Payment must be made by 10 days after collecting the necessary documents. A decision to deny benefits must be sent to the employee within one business day.

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