
Snow situation: 300 alerts, chaos, delays. According to meteorologists, this is expected to continue

Chaos was caused by the sudden, unexpectedly large amount of snow in Hungary. Accidents and fallen trees are obstructing traffic in several places, the disaster management reported.

Weather forecast

According to the forecast of the National Meteorological Service Thursday afternoon mostly cloudy weather is expected, but in the western part of Transdanubia, the clouds will be more scattered, there the sun may shine for a longer or shorter time. The territorial extent of snowfall, sleet and rain is gradually decreasing, and the precipitation intensity is also weakening. In Transdanubia, with the exception of the southwestern border region, strong gusts may accompany the northwesterly wind, which can cause blowing snow especially there. The highest daytime temperature is between 0 and +5 degrees. By late evening, the temperature usually drops between -6 and +2 degrees.

Evening it has overcast in most of our country, the weather will remain humid. However, in the western and northeastern parts, the clouds may be more fragmented, and in these regions, crushing fog may form over a larger area. It will continue to weaken, the tendency for precipitation to decrease, but blowing snow and sleet may occur in some places even at dawn. Air movement is moderated everywhere. The lowest night temperature is usually between -6 and 0 degrees, but the weather can be several degrees colder in the more persistently clear, snowy parts of the west and northeast. In the southeast, we can measure a value slightly above freezing point.

On Friday in most parts of our country, the weather will remain predominantly overcast, humid, and in some places persistently foggy. There is a chance for some sunshine, mainly in the western and northeastern parts. Significant precipitation is not expected, at most there may be snow flurries and drizzle in some places. The wind turning to the southeast may be accompanied by strong gusts in the area of ​​the Lowland and Alpokalja. The highest daytime temperature is mostly between -1 and +2 degrees, but it can be milder in sunny parts and slightly colder in more permanently foggy regions.

Firefighters have already been alerted to about 300 damage cases across the country

The snowfall continues to give the firefighters a lot of work: by 11:30 Thursday, the units were alerted to about three hundred cases of damage – mainly due to fallen trees and broken tree branches – the disaster management told MTI.

According to their announcement, the firefighters went to many places on Thursday morning as well due to the wintry weather and a significant amount of freshly fallen snow: mainly in Transdanubia, as well as in Budapest and its surroundings, the snowfall is causing disruptions.

The capital XIV. district, in Emília Street, a tree in a public area fell on two parked cars. The XVII. In Toldi Miklós utca in the district, a tree fell from the yard of a residential building onto the roadway, tearing off and dragging a cable with it. A large tree destroyed a fence in Ady Endre Street, which prevented the residents from leaving the garden. The II. In the district, on Vereckei út, residents were also trapped in the garden of their property due to a fallen tree – they listed.

They continued that a tree fell on the roof of a kindergarten on Szent János tér in Vámosmikola, Pest county.

In Budakeszin, a tree blocked the road on Rákóczi utca, on the way to János-hegy, and a power line was cut by the freshly fallen snow.

In Szentendre, two trees fell on the road on road 1116.

Between Úri and Gomba, an eight-meter tree occupied an entire traffic lane; the area was secured by firefighters and the tree was removed.

In Szent Donát Street in Pilisborosjenő, a wire broke and hung dangerously, so it was removed.

According to the announcement, there was a similar problem on Petőfi Sándor Street in Fejér County Mór, where the wire between the two poles broke under the weight of the snow. They managed to raise the wire to a height of two and a half meters, so the vehicles could fit under it until the service provider arrived, they added.

The county of Komárom-Esztergom was not spared by the wintry and heavy rainfall either: a fallen tree damaged a car in the Sárberki housing estate in Tatabánya. In Erdősor Street, a large tree caused serious damage when it fell on a fence and a car, and finally blocked the road, they wrote.

In Nagylóc, Nógrád county, on the Bajcsy-Zsilinszky road, a six-meter plum tree fell on the road and caused traffic disruption. On the railway tracks in Magyarnándor – towards Nógrádkövesd – several trees fell in front of a passenger train. 30-40 trees had to be removed in the affected section with a chain saw.

Firefighters are constantly working to eliminate the damage, the announcement states.

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