
The connection between the character of Russians and their wrinkles has been revealed

Body psychologist Anna Titova revealed the connection between the character of Russians and their wrinkles. The corresponding press release was received by on Thursday, September 21.

According to the specialist, the most emotional members of the population, prone to excessive anxiety, have wrinkles on the skin in the forehead area.

If wrinkles are located in the center of the forehead, then in front of you is a powerful and authoritative person, ready to lead. For a sentimental person, they are closer to the eyebrows. Such people are good friends and faithful partners. It is worth paying attention to those who have wrinkles located in the very upper part of the forehead, because such cosmetic defects indicate a person’s fears, worries or internal tension

Anna Titova

In addition, the expert said that wrinkles in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds are found on the faces of those who know how to earn good money. “But you shouldn’t expect generosity from them, because money loves counting. Nasolabial rollers are no less informative. For example, for women this is a signal that they have taken on excessive responsibility for something and cannot cope with it. Over time, this will transform into irritation and anger,” Titova warned.

Among other things, the psychologist said that there are puppet wrinkles called “folds of grief” that betray a person prone to judging others. “He also considers himself better than others and knows for sure how someone should live. Loves to give advice,” she explained.

In addition, Titova noted that purse-string wrinkles (small vertical folds around the lips that are located perpendicular to the contour of the mouth – note) are acquired by purposeful people with a high level of self-control. “But they don’t like unexpected expenses,” the expert emphasized.

In conclusion, the psychologist added that the appearance of cosmetic defects on the skin due to age-related changes is a natural process. However, their number, area and depth depend on the character and internal state.

Previously leading dermatologist from USA Sherin Idris revealed errors in care leading to rapid skin aging. First of all, the doctor drew attention to the fact that many people do not use products with SPF.

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