
The Council of Scholars discusses over two days a draft of a new preaching plan and a program for qualifying imams

The Supreme Scientific Council will hold its 32nd regular session over two days, Friday and Saturday, December 22 and 23, after the afternoon prayer at the headquarters of the Supreme Scientific Council in the City of Irfan in Rabat.

It is expected that the Council’s committees will study the issues on its agenda, most notably the approval of the annual work program under the draft Reporting Plan, and studying the program for qualifying imams – the Charter of Scholars – under the draft Reporting Plan.

The Council is also expected to discuss the issue of media support for the draft reporting plan through the work of the Supreme Scientific Council and local scientific councils, and the outcome and prospects for the work of the scientific body in charge of fatwa and participatory finance.

The Supreme Council of Scholars also discusses the work priorities in light of the Tabligh Project plan in the field of studies and research, and the outcome and prospects for the work of the Islamic Heritage Revival Committee.

The draft guide for women scientists will also be studied and audited, in addition to approving the draft internal regulations of the regional and local scientific councils, before the draft budget of the Council of Scholars is studied and approved.

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