
The doctor warned about five dangerous misconceptions about healthy lifestyle

Taking vitamins constantly, without breaks, is harmful to health, warned otolaryngologist Irina Lazarevich. The doctor, in a conversation with, spoke about five dangerous misconceptions about a healthy lifestyle.

1. Lack of an integrated approach

Many people are looking for the ideal vitamin manufacturers and the best dietary supplements, but vitamins alone are not enough. “We need an integrated approach to a healthy lifestyle: establish a balanced diet, sleep and rest patterns, maintain adequate physical activity and give up bad habits,” says Lazarevich.

However, there are vitamins that need to be taken in addition to a varied, balanced diet all year round, and they definitely won’t be superfluous. These are vitamins D3 and Omega-3

Irina Lazarevich

Vitamins D3 and Omega-3 are produced in the form of tablets, capsules, and even a spray, says the doctor. “If someone doesn’t like to swallow capsules, then a liquid form that you can take with a spoon is fine,” she says.

Omega-3 enters the body with food mainly through fatty fish, the doctor explained. For vegetarians, flaxseed oil can be an alternative.

At different periods of life, even at different times of the year, the body needs additional support. Supplements with antioxidants are important in summer, and immunostimulating ones in winter.

2. Choosing vitamin complexes rather than individual vitamins

“If you want to improve the condition of your skin, hair and nails, you can use a vitamin complex, plus hydrolyzed collagen,” continues’s interlocutor. “It’s especially advisable to take collagen if you eat little protein.”

It is important for the doctor to identify deficiencies based on tests, Lazarevich clarifies. If there is a severe deficiency of a particular vitamin, then it is better to take it as a monocomponent with the maximum concentration of the active substance.

3. Self-prescription of vitamins

It’s important to consult your doctor before choosing vitamins and minerals, warns Lazarevic.
An excess of some vitamins (hypervitaminosis) can have unpleasant consequences: for example, if the dosage of vitamin E is exceeded, the absorption of other important nutrients slows down and bone fragility progresses, she explained.

Hypervitaminosis of biotin (used to strengthen hair and nails) is manifested by excessive sweating and frequent urination

According to the doctor, it is worth considering the total amount of vitamins taken. “Vitamin K2, for example, is found in fermented foods: dairy products, cheeses, greens. With a balanced diet, we will definitely get 50 percent of the daily value from food,” she added.

4. Vitamins can be taken constantly

For each vitamin and mineral, there are recommended daily allowances established by doctors and maximum permissible values, exceeding which is dangerous to health, Laraevich points out.

Long-term use of vitamins without breaks and medical supervision can lead to serious liver damage – drug-induced hepatitis. It causes inflammation and even necrosis of liver cells

Irina Lazarevich

5. Vegetables and fruits are healthier than dietary supplements

Natural vitamins usually mean those that enter the body with food. Vitamins from dietary supplements that are specially manufactured and synthesized are called synthetic, explains Lazarevich. In most cases, natural raw materials are used for their production. It turns out that the vast majority of vitamins are natural.

According to the doctor, vitamins from unprocessed fruits and vegetables are considered the most beneficial. However, sometimes it is not possible to eat enough foods to meet the need for certain micronutrients. For example, few people eat a kilogram of blueberries, broccoli or spinach a day to saturate the body with lutein or vitamin C, Lazarevich concluded.

Earlier doctors called a group of products that prolongs life. Among them were honey and propolis.

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