
The public media commented that “Putin dares to dream big again”

In the public media program, they said that time works for the Russians, that America cannot and does not want to support Ukraine indefinitely.

America cannot support the conflict in Ukraine indefinitely, as the rapid rise of China poses an increasing challenge to it; the Russians are aware of the geopolitical situation, that’s why Putin dares to dream big again – it was said in the public background program 48 minutes – Host: Tamás Lánczi on the current channel M1 on Thursday evening.

This time, Gábor Fodor, director of the Central European System Change Research Institute, József Horváth, security policy advisor of the Center for Fundamental Rights, and producer Gábor Kálomista, executive director of the Thália Theater were the guests of Tamás Lánczi.

According to, József Horváth said

Putin reopened the door to the possibility of negotiations, gestures towards both the United States and the European Union

Gábor Fodor noted that “time works for the Russians, but for now there is a standing war”, and Gábor Kálomista talked about the Russians were not economically “cut back home”, in fact, they were even strengthened by the conflict in Ukraine, at the same time, the Americans “convulsively” want to continue the war raging in our neighborhood in order to make even more money from it. He mentioned the interests of the Biden family in Ukraine as an example.

“For them, the rest belong to the category of collateral losses. They are not at all interested in what happens to those unfortunate people on the front,” Gábor Fodor believed.

The technical revolution and artificial intelligence were also discussed, Gábor Kálomista said that a new application writes high-quality scripts, and that the actors do not necessarily have to be present on the set. According to the film and theater specialist, this process has an extremely harmful effect on human creativity.

Gábor Fodor indicated that he is more concerned about the appearance of artificial intelligence in warfare than its role in everyday life.

Tamás Lánczi added that the national security aspect of artificial intelligence is “incalculable”. He mentioned one of Joe Biden’s speeches with strange statements that he said was hard to tell if it was real or possibly generated by artificial intelligence.

József Horváth warned that artificial intelligence “opens up completely new dimensions” both in the army and in the world of secret services. The security policy expert explained that the Russians still work with “stone ax” methods, we can sometimes see an alter ego instead of Putin, but in America you don’t always need a living likeness, anyone can be “conjured” with modern methods.

“Drones that destroy a terrorist’s car in the Middle East, for example, are controlled with a joystick from a distance of ten thousand kilometers,” József Horvát emphasized in relation to the American military, noting that only first-generation drones are still being used in the war in Ukraine.

According to Tamás Lánczi, it is a cause for concern that the public can be manipulated with fake recordings during election campaigns. “Anything can be done. If we want Jack Nicholson to speak Hungarian in his own voice, we can do that too,” responded Gábor Kálomista.

The participants agreed that all news should be received with serious doubts, according to Gábor Fodor, however, in the world of politics, the content is still the essence; you can win a few percent with clever campaigns, but this is only of great importance in a fierce struggle.

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