
The State Duma wants to prohibit pharmaceutical companies from writing about side effects in small print | September 22, 2023

Currently, the instructions recommend a font of at least 8 point size. Deputies believe that the font should be 12-point or larger.

“With this recommended font size, it is not possible to carefully read the instructions for use of medications. This approach may be particularly challenging for older people and those with low vision, who may require special technical means to understand such instructions. In conditions where the risk of improper use of medications can lead to adverse consequences for the life and health of citizens, the accessibility of the information contained in the instructions becomes of particular importance,” the explanatory note to the project says.

The LDPR press service, citing experts, added that mortality from adverse reactions to drugs ranks fifth in the world.

“According to a study by the National Research University Higher School of Economics, more than 60% of citizens are treated independently, without visiting a doctor. According to WHO, more than 35% of deaths were preventable. A number of experts attribute such a high rate to self-medication,” the LDPR said.

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