
These astrologer tips will help you celebrate the Year of the Green Dragon correctly.


12/31/2023 12:53

Financial astrologer Faina Shcherbina claims that the right choice of treats on the New Year’s table can invite good luck and prosperity into the house. In her opinion, you should celebrate 2024 in a cheerful company at a richly decorated table, which, according to her, will ensure material well-being in the year of the Green Dragon.

Shcherbina emphasizes that to attract good luck you need to be generous, have fun and create a noisy atmosphere. She recommends putting money under each dish to attract wealth. The table should also have natural green wood to ensure longevity. It is important to maintain a harmonious environment and avoid excess food and alcohol.

Shcherbina suggests including meat, fish and seafood, especially game, in the New Year’s menu. Chicken is not recommended as, according to the astrologer, it does not bring good luck. Drinks should be sweet and expensive, such as sweet champagne, liqueurs, gin, rum, whiskey, cognac and tequila, reports Sputnik radio.

To attract financial well-being, Shcherbina advises using red and gold – the Dragon’s favorite colors – when decorating the festive table. She emphasizes the importance of having fire-colored and gold-colored foods on the table, such as red fruits and lemons.

The final advice of the astrologer is to meet the year of the Green Dragon at your own expense, without the use of borrowed or credit funds.

Author Oleg Loginov

Oleg Loginov – student at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, freelance correspondent for Pravda.Ru

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