
they are going to take it from “black holes” in the Universe

A revolutionary method of extracting energy has been discovered: they are going to take it from “black holes” in the Universe


02/28/2024 20:02

Having studied some characteristics of the functionality of black holes, Chinese scientists came to the conclusion that in the future humanity will be able to consider them not only as a potential danger, but also as an additional source of energy.

According to Physical Review D, researchers from the Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics at Peking University have found that a single black hole can potentially produce 250 times more energy than an atomic bomb.

Scientists carried out calculations and created a computer model of a hypothetical scenario of “charging” a black hole by introducing massive electrically charged particles into it. It is able to absorb such charges until an electric field is created that will repel any additional charged particles.

In theory, scientists were able to develop such an algorithm, which suggests its potential practical applicability. However, as you know, theory and practice sometimes diverge: something may be missed, errors may be made during the initial design. But in the future, as technology advances, scientists hope to turn these mysterious objects into energy sources by redirecting massive electrically charged particles.

Such energy is planned to be extracted using superradiation, based on electromagnetic waves and rotation. Scientists estimate that the black hole is currently converting about a quarter of the mass injected into it into available energy.

Author Makar Gorshenin

Makar Vadimovich Gorshenin is a student at the Moscow University of Finance and Law, a freelance correspondent for Pravda.Ru.

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