
This is how Alekosz wished the ladies a happy new year

Alekosz Nagy shared Blikk on his social media page “I have never met such an open and direct person!” – The women tear Alekos apart article.

Photo: RTL

With this article, he wished the ladies a happy new year, adding:

I wouldn’t say anything else.

THE Blink according to his claim, another mysterious woman reported on her date with Alekos, she also revealed that she had never had such unclouded fun before.

The other day I read an article about Alekos, in which we could read a positive opinion from a lady’s point of view. In this regard, I thought I would share my opinion about our meeting…

– says the letter sent to Blikk.

The lady also reported that they spent “Santa’s Eve” together, and she considers Alekos to be an intelligent, emotional person who is not an average person,

in whose company, whether it is a lady or a friend, one feels very good! I can say that I have never met such an open and direct person! An exceptional personality!

The lady who called herself Anette also reported that she didn’t hurt her with a single word, they called her names a lot and had shared experiences. Although love did not develop between them, they maintain a very good relationship to this day.

Those who hurt and humiliate him in the media, the commentators on his Facebook page, are unqualified! In any case, I consider the Hungarian mentality to be very intellectual and professional! Alekosz doesn’t deserve these epithets he gets, they don’t know this side of him, but I don’t even understand how he can handle it, but he handles it very well!

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