
Which seasonal vegetables and fruits will protect against heart disease | November 20, 2023

The path to strengthening immunity in the autumn-winter period lies through a healthy diet. Experts recommend that everyone who wants to protect themselves from diseases eat as many seasonal vegetables and fruits as possible. Nutritionist Betul Serttash told Türkiye publication, which of them are worth paying attention to first.

Rich in vitamins A, B2, C and E and antioxidants, this vegetable is one of the first fall fruits that comes to mind. Pumpkin is a source of fiber and potassium. It is good for heart health, intestines and normalizes blood pressure.

It contains vitamins A, C, some B vitamins, calcium, potassium, and iron. Pomegranate helps balance cholesterol and sugar levels and, due to its anti-inflammatory effects, helps prevent many diseases.

Being a source of antioxidants, persimmons help remove free radicals that can lead to cancer. The fruit is a real storehouse of vitamin C, and therefore has an increased effect on the immune system, especially in winter. It also improves the functioning of the digestive system, fights stomach diseases and cleanses the liver.

This fruit prevents heart and vascular diseases, reduces the risk of liver diseases and diabetes, and also promotes the functioning of the digestive system.

Thanks to its high fiber content, it keeps you feeling full for a long time and helps prevent constipation. Since quince is rich in potassium, it also plays a role in regulating blood pressure and helps fight anemia and heart disease.

Recently nutritionist called the best ways to store fruits, vegetables and berries for the winter.

Olesya Mayevskaya

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