
why rail travel in Russia is better than in New Zealand

Tourist review: why rail travel in Russia is better than in New Zealand


03/11/2024 00:10

A Russian tourist compared the conditions of railway transport in Russia and New Zealand, identifying their advantages and disadvantages. He shared his impressions in the “Do what you want” channel on the Zen social network.

He noted that Russia still uses old Soviet trains, and although there are disadvantages such as smelly toilets, this is compensated by the length of the railways, one of the largest in the world. However, he expressed dissatisfaction with the presence of outdated toilets on most trains and poor windows that make it difficult to enjoy the beauty of the Russian landscape.

In addition to old trains, new modern trains also run in Russia, which, according to the tourist, New Zealand has never even heard of. However, the cost of tickets for these trains is significantly higher. In New Zealand, on the other hand, trains offer a welcoming and comfortable environment for passengers, including toilets in every carriage, even seated ones, and their availability in parking lots.

Despite the comfort of New Zealand trains, the Russian traveler noted that he prefers to travel around Russia, as there is more variety and choice.

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