
Zsolt Bayer must have been horrified, in his opinion there should be a street demonstration

On Sunday, Hír TV’s Sajtóklub program also discussed the pardon case and the resignation of Katalin Novák and Judit Varga, and Zsolt Bayer spoke about, among other things, the fact that he thinks a street demonstration should be held, namely on March 15, reports

The paper reminds us that the date was already announced last November as the date of the next Peace March.

Now they are trying to involve the prime minister and Fidesz and the entire government and everyone in this

– Bayer thought, then added: “we, on the other hand, have to demonstrate strength, because the pack of hyenas, these completely amoral, lying scoundrels who screamed yesterday at the Sándor Palace and the mob, now smells blood, because they think that the moment”.

Let’s show them that the moment has not come.

he stated.

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