
It could be a matter of national security from the Partizán interview

He would convene the National Security Committee because of Antal Rogán of the LMP.

Péter Magyar said serious things. Source: Partisan

Péter Ungár, the leader of the LMP faction, which is generally friendly with Fidesz, initiated an extraordinary meeting of the National Security Committee on Monday.

According to the announcement, Péter Magyar, the former CEO of the Student Loan Center, made serious allegations in an interview on Sunday regarding the activities of the minister Antal Rogán, especially with regard to the influence and use of the special service (secret service) for political purposes.

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For this reason, the National Security Committee should hear Minister Antal Rogán out of sequence regarding the validity of the allegations.

Magyar claimed in the interview that “everyone knows that Antal Rogán is in charge of government communications, I don’t think he denies this either. Antal Rogán also approves the last ministerial MTI announcement”. According to the ex-husband of Judit Varga, Rogán could already have influence on the secret services before 2022, before they were officially added to him.

It was said: the survey is ordered by Rogán’s ministry, the cabinet minister sees them first, and a lot of things can be influenced with this. The institutions measure what the client asks of them, he said, referring to the fact that days before Katalin Novák’s resignation, it was known that they were measuring whether she should resign according to public opinion. And by not allowing Novák to communicate, he was put at a disadvantage. According to Péter Magyar:

For me, it feels bad that there are government actors who can be taken on, while there are others in the background who never take on the public, and they and the circles behind them are constantly stirring things up. They are not accountable, while others take the publicity and only they are accountable.

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